Environmental Education (EE)
The goal of the course is to explain to educators what environmental education is, what its goals and benefits are, and why it is important to integrate it into the curriculum.
Environmental education is a process that aims to raise awareness and concern about environmental problems by having knowledge, skills, and real intentions. A good attitude and determination are needed to prevent and solve environmental problems, and prevent future problems. It also aims to recognize that environmental education is one tool for learning and behavior modification through lifelong educational processes at all ages, both inside and outside of the school system.
Learning Outcomes
Origin and Concept of EE
Benefits for Students and Educators
The Teacher's Role in EE
Take Learning Outside!

Dr Carlotta Como
A nature lover since forever, I followed my passion and graduated in Environmental Biology at the University of Turin, Italy. My Master thesis focused on microplastics and their impact on marine and coastal environments. During my studies, I also attended courses on pedagogy and teaching methodologies from the Faculty of Natural Sciences. Turin is my hometown and I still live here with three children. This city is surrounded by the Alps, the tallest mountains in Europe. Here I collaborate with schools and natural parks and associations to introduce children and adults to understanding, appreciating and ultimately fully embracing their environments and feeling part of the natural ecosystems in which they live through interactive classes and visits to parks and natural areas in our region. Sharing my love for the environment has become my professional interest and I am continuously learning about how to make environmental education more engaging and exciting for children and teenagers.
4 บทเรียน

EE: Origin and Concept

Benefits of Environmental Education (EE)

How To Teach Environmental Education

Take Learning Outside!

Starfish Academy
เข้าร่วมเป็นสมาชิก Starfish Labz
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